3 Photoshop Secrets – Useful Hidden Tools

3 Photoshop Secrets
3 Photoshop Secrets

Here are 3 hidden tools in Photoshop that might not be very obvious at first, but can be incredibly helpful when navigating around your next artwork.

1. Change Lasso Tool interactively While drawing a selection with the Lasso tool, just hold the alt/option and let go of the mouse button which will switch to the POLYGONAL Lasso tool on the fly! Now you can click around and create ‘polygonal’ selections like you’re used to. To switch back just click (and hold!) the mouse button and let go of the alt/option key. You’re back to the regular Lasso tool!

2. Interactive brush size To change the brush size (and hardness!) interactively just tap and hold the alt/option key, and start dragging with the right mouse button! for the brush, size drag left and right. For the brush hardness drag up and down!

3. Match & Zoom If you want to match the position and zoom level of different documents (for instance a reference image for drawing) just use the ‘Match All’ command under Window – Arrange. When you map this command to a shortcut key you can match reference images very quickly to your drawing or painting and work on details in very high zoom levels and always hit the perfect spot!