Matrix Bullet Time And Speed Dodge Effect in Adobe After Effects

Matrix Bullet Time Effect in Adobe After Effects
Matrix Bullet Time Effect in Adobe After Effects

The Matrix Bullet Time Effect – Even if you are not particularly into movies and visual effects you probably heard of that iconic scene in the Matrix Trilogy which can easily be called one of the most famous visual effects movie scenes of all times.

ProductionCrate is recreating that scene with Adobe After Effects with onboard tools and some of their asset packs wih some clever rotoscoping and some help of the Videocopilot Plug-In Element3D.

Part one, the speed dodge, looks very decent actually and has been achieved by clever rotoscoping and the onboard “echo” effect.

The Actual Matrix Bullet Time Effect

Whereas part two, the part known as the actual famous Matrix Bullet Time effect has been created with just one camera. While the original movie shot has been created with a revolutionary rig of multiple cameras running around the talent, in the tutorial it had to be done with one camera on a 3-axis gimbal. The flock of bullets being dodged by the talent look pretty cool though.