Mouse Pointer 3D in After Effects [FREE TEMPLATE]

Mouse Pointer 3D In After Effects
Mouse Pointer 3D In After Effects

So in my intro animation tutorial, I had demonstrated how I created this 3D mouse pointer natively in 3D without any additional plug-ins. Here’s a dedicated tutorial about that.

It’s actually a pretty simple process. Just import a cursor graphic, get the pen tool, and ‘trace’ the shape of the cursor. Set it to 3D and give it some depth (Geometry Options – Extrusion Depth). Now set the ‘Reflection Intensity’ in the material options to 100.

That’s it! To follow along watch the video above.

You can download the free project file here:

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Hakan Acarel
Hey, I'm Hakan. triple Adobe Certified Expert, professional videographer and 3D / motion designer. If I'm not writing articles or recording tutorials for my youtube channel, I'm shooting videos and tweaking animations. Follow me on TWITTER & FACEBOOK: @videomarknet