5 Tips – Work Smarter When Editing Premiere Pro

5 Workflow Tips for Premiere Pro
5 Workflow Tips for Premiere Pro

Premiere Pro can be a little intimidating and you will find yourself spending a lot of time organizing your project and tweaking certain things, rather than actually editing your footage. CinecomNET has a couple of invaluable tips for you to save some time and work smarter within your timeline.

If you already know how to use adjustment layers, you’ve probably wanted to apply audio effects to a whole track rather than just one clip. That’s where the effects rack in the ‘Audio Track Mixer’ comes in handy. Effects being applied here will affect the whole track and you don’t have to go through each clip separately anymore.

Same thing goes for Master Clips. If you want to apply the same color correction to the source clip of an edit in your timeline, just click the ‘Master’ tab in the ‘Effect Controls’ panel. Anything you apply here (for instance a Lumetri color correction) will be applied to the master clip and you are saving yourself a ton of click mileage.

You may also like: https://videomark.net/secondary-color-grading-in-premiere-pro/

Other great tips cover sending clips over to After Effects, working smarter when selecting clips in a ‘Pancake Editing’ setup and organizing your source clips from the project panel.

Some of these tips may not sound like much, but when you are working on bigger projects and/or editing a lot of videos, they can save you a lot of time. Reducing click mileage will add up over time and make for a much smoother experience when you are using a program like Adobe Premiere Pro on a daily basis. Which is your most important trick, to work faster when editing videos? Let us know in the comments below.

Head over to the video below to see how you can work smarter when editing with Adobe Premiere Pro: