After Effects Text Title Animation Without Plug-In

Title Text Animation in After Effects without Plug-Ins
Title Text Animation in After Effects without Plug-Ins

As an After Effects user, you know that the software is heavily relying on 3rd party Plug-Ins to get something decent done. But it’s always good to master your software of choice and know the basics to create compelling animations, without using any additional scripts and Plug-Ins.

In this short tutorial, MoveShapes is showing us a nice technique to create a fresh title animation with some subtle motion without any additional scripts. Even though there is no voice over it is actually pretty easy to follow. MoveShapes is starting off by creating a leaf-shaped form and animating along a path. After fading out the leaf with the size parameter and duplicating/offsetting the leaf a couple of times, you’ve got your main element to reveal the title.

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The main trick here is to have the leaves reveal the text by actually forming the individual letters and then flying away once the title is completely revealed. It’s probably harder to explain than actually creating it so head over to the tutorial below and follow along. With a few simple steps and a genius twist, you’ll end up with a nice autumn theme title animation for your next video project.