11 tips for highly clickable Youtube Thumbnails

11 Tips for highly clickable Youtube Thumbnails

At this year's VidSummit in Los Angeles Joey Fredrick from Team Edge was presenting his favorite techniques to create great Youtube Thumbnails that stand out and drive traffic to their Youtube Channel 'Team Edge'...
11 Powerful Photoshop Shortcuts

11 Powerful Photoshop Shortcuts

When working with Photoshop, it's always great to have the most common functions as shortcuts. This will help you complete your projects faster and save you lots of time every day. In today’s video,...
Neon Portrait Illustration In Photoshop

Neon Portrait Illustration In Photoshop

Making portraits look even better can be done by using your pen tool and neon lines. This Neon Portrait Illustration in Photoshop tutorial will show you how to give your portraits that super cool...
Double Exposure Effect In Photoshop

Double Exposure Effect In Photoshop

In this video, we are going to show you how to create a double exposure effect in Photoshop using adjustment layers and blending modes. These techniques are non-destructive so you can always come back...
3 Photoshop Secrets

3 Photoshop Secrets – Useful Hidden Tools

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdBxcOG_pNQ Here are 3 hidden tools in Photoshop that might not be very obvious at first, but can be incredibly helpful when navigating around your next artwork. 1. Change Lasso Tool interactively While drawing a...
Cinematic Color Grading With Photoshop And Premiere

Creating Cinematic LUTs for Premiere Pro with Photoshop

Here is a neat little trick from TutVid to create your own cinematic LUTs for your next Premiere Pro video project. While there is a common technique to extract color schemes as LUTs from...
Custom Shortcuts in Photoshop

Custom Shortcuts With Menu Items & Actions in Photoshop

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5kYqO79wrI When you want to map a menu item to a short cut you can do so in the 'edit - keyboard shortcuts' menu. However, that will only work when you want to target only...
2.5D Parallax Animation with Photoshop & After Effects

2.5D Parallax Animation with Photoshop and After Effects

With a 2.5D parallax animation, you can add motion to regular 2D images and breathe some life into rather boring shots. It's a good way to not only repurpose your content but create actual...
Draw Straight Lines In Photoshop

Draw Straight Lines In Photoshop

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00wY-UkfPkQ It might look straightforward at first, but to draw straight lines in Photoshop there are a couple of things you can do. The line tool does what it says but you can't draw lines...
How To Use The Pen Tool In Photoshop

How To Use Pen Tool In Photoshop

Mastering the Pen Tool in Photoshop is actually not as hard as you might think. It basically boils down to understanding a few simple steps to create even complex hard-edge masks and be much...
2.5D Parallax Animation In Photoshop

Parallax 2.5D Animation In Photoshop

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5shKHwEJQQ How to create the Parallax 2.5D Animation in Photoshop: 1. Create a selection around your foreground object with the path tool2. Convert that path into a selection with 0,5 pixels feathering3. Copy that selection...
Photoshop Match Color With 3 Clicks

How To Match Colors In Photoshop With 3 Clicks

To match colors in Photoshop with just 3 easy clicks follow these steps: How To Match Colors With 3 Clicks Create a curve adjustment layer.Create a clipping mask for this layer with the layer below (alt/option...